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Making a difference 

Learn more about our corporate social responsibility initiatives and our commitments to social justice.

Social responsibility & corporate citizenship

We support organizations that reflect our strong ethical principles. 

Employees are encouraged to nominate organizations that meet the following criteria:

  • Impact to Community org must focus on social justice, equality, and/or wellbeing within community
  • Connection to Employee employee must have been served by, or be an active advocate for, the organization
  • Aligned with Wicresoft aligns to Wicresoft’s position as a company
  • Vetted by Wicresoft all orgs must be deemed fit by Wicresoft


Wicresoft employees should send receipts of donation to to initiate the match

Wicresoft’s Employee Donation Match program matches 1:1 donations made by employees to the following organizations:


United Kingdom

United States

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Environmental sustainability + economic opportunity

Our remote workforce reduces environmental impact and increases job opportunities in underserved communities. By offering the option to work from home and providing necessary equipment, we empower qualified talent who may have faced barriers to tech jobs due to inequalities or lack of resources. In our physical locations, like our UK offices, we maintain a low carbon footprint with minimal office space usage.

Regulatory compliance

As an evolving organization, we prioritize social responsibility based on ethical principles and a code of conduct for all employees. We ensure a respectful working environment that upholds fundamental human rights for our employees and business partners. While striving for compliance with international regulations, we demonstrate our commitment to equality, democracy, and the rights of individuals of all ages, ethnicities, colors, and religions.



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